Auto Accident Injury Claim: Types of Accident and Who Should File A Claim


When filing for an auto accident injury claim, a personal injury lawyer is your best option to get a fair decision without having to go through the stress and trauma of the legal procedure.

The traumatic and sudden impact of an auto accident can leave you confused and dazed.

Coming to terms with what has just happened is one thing —and realizing why it is best to hand over the auto accident injury claim to law enforcement is another thing.

auto accident injury claim

You do not have to bother yourself with figuring out whose fault it was; the
officers present at the scene will determine that. But when it comes to a possible litigation, the police report from the officers will be used as evidence.

Although there are some no-fault laws in a few states that might cover most of your expenses, it will not take care of all of them, especially for cases that involve catastrophic injuries.

Seeking out legal advice from a personal injury attorney is the best way to determine the next course of action. It doesn’t matter the type of accident you just experienced, seeking the counsel of a personal injury lawyer will help you to fully understand the entire legal process ahead and get the most out of your auto accident injury claim.

Scenarios that could potentially lead to an auto accident injury claim:

1. Head-on Collisions

This is perhaps among the most deadly accidents.

Also referred to as a frontal crashes, head-on collision, accidents occur when two vehicles, traveling in opposite directions strike one another at high speeds.

Survival is mostly determined by the road stretch, reaction time from both drivers, and perhaps the model or types of cars involved.

Since the front end of the vehicle is the one that receives the brunt impact, you will find that occupants of larger vehicles are more protected than those in smaller ones.

2. Side-impact auto accident

Intersections is among the most common places where a lot of side-impact crashes happen. If a driver is unable to yield a right-of-way or races across a red light, the end result is almost, always a side-impact or “T-bone” collision.

T-bone collisions get their name from the way the front of one vehicle strikes the middle of the other, causing a serious crash.

The other type of side-impact accident is known as an angle crash, where a random vehicle strikes at you from an angle. Researchers have found out that rear-seated passengers are the most vulnerable to injury in this type of vehicle accident compared to front-seated passengers.

We can say that this is because of, in one part, the introduction of safety engineered technology, which provides a better protection to the driver and
the front-seat passenger.

3. Rear-end vehicle accident

A read-end accident is usually caused by one driver not paying close attention to traffic in front.

These collisions take a fraction of a second, and by the time the driver realizes that traffic is not moving ahead, the collision has already taken place.

Depending on weight and speed of the car, a rear-end auto accident can be
quite catastrophic, especially for those who are suddenly hit by the force against a gridlocked vehicle.

car accident injury

Filing an Auto Accident Injury Claim After an Accident

If any of the above vehicular accidents has happened to you resulting in an injury, the first course of action would be to file a personal injury case with the police and afterwards, an auto accident injury claim.

This should be done with either the insurer of the responsible party or your insurer, within the shortest time possible, of course after seeking medical advice.

The personal injury claim is your first step to getting a compensation for your medical expenditure, lost items, or other damages that might have been triggered by the vehicle accident.

Below, let us look at parties who are eligible to file a claim.

First Party Claims versus Third Party Claims

Insurance claims are classified in two: first and third party claims.

Although the first party claim is the one you personally file with your insurance company, the third party claim is the one filed with the insurance provider from the other victim or from their business.

Almost every insurance holder has coverage for a third party who might be injured due their own actions.

The insurance claim you file will be determined by whose miscalculation caused the accident, the nature of the accident, and the extent of your coverage.

Looking to file an Insurance Claim? Get Legal Help!

Did you file a personal injury claim but it was denied?

Do you think that your settlement amount is insufficient?

The best thing to do would be to seek professional legal counsel.

An experienced personal injury attorney will answer all the questions you might have regarding your claim, and advise you on the available options.

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